Thursday 15 September 1983
0800-0900 Hair
0915 Chancellor [Nigel Lawson]
1000 Cabinet [Viscount Whitelaw, Lord Hailsham, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Leon Brittan, Nigel Lawson, Sir Keith Joseph, Jim Prior, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine,
George Younger, Nicholas Edwards, Patrick Jenkin, John Biffen, Norman Fowler, Norman Tebbit, Cecil Parkinson, Lord Cockfield, Tom King, Michael Jopling,
Peter Rees, John Wakeham] [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: ([illegible] to see DT).] : followed by
Meeting of Ministers [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: ‘Responsibility for Discipline in the Civil Service’ (Lord Pres [Willie
Whitelaw]; Lord Chan [Lord Hailsham]; Home Sec [Leon Brittan]; S/S Defence [Michael Heseltine]; S/S DHSS [Norman Fowler]; S/S Scot [George Younger];
S/S Emp [Norman Tebbit]; A-G [Sir Michael Havers]; Lord Gowrie; RTA [Sir Robert Armstrong]).]
Lunch in flat
1400 Party Conference speech
1430-1530 Meeting of Ministers [Material from handwritten original of the 1983 appointment diary: [re Coal] Chancellor (Nigel Lawson), S/ En (Patrick Jenkin),
S/ Emp (Norman Tebbit).]
1530-1600 Sir Percy Cradock
1600 Keep free for North America speeches
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