Friday 29 October 1982
0815 Briefing meeting at Residence
0850 Left for Federal Chancellor's Office
0900 Official welcoming ceremony: Guard of Honour
0915 Tete-a-tete with Chancellor Kohl
0945 Plenary Session
1130 Joint Press Conference
1230 Left for Cologne/Bonn Airport
1300 Took off for Berlin
1430 Arrived Gatow. Met by GOC [General Commanding Officer, Major General J.D.F. Mostyn], Governing Mayor [Richard von Weizsäcker] and Allied
1433 Reviewed Guard of Honour accompanied by GOC
1440 Left Gatow for Reichstag. Accompanied by Chancellor Kohl, Governing Mayor [Richard von Weizsäcker] and HM Ambassador [Sir Jock Taylor]
1517 Arrived Reichstag. Laid wreath. Viewed East Berlin across River Spree
1525 Join RMP Wall patrol. Drove along sector boundary past Brandenburg Gate to Potsdamer Platz.
1542 Left Potsdamer Platz for Rathaus Schoeneberg
1537 Arrived Potsdamer Platz.
1552 Arrived Rathaus
1555 Discussions with Governing Mayor [Richard von Weizsäcker]
1610 Introduction of Speaker of the House of Representatives, US and French Commandants' wives. US and French Ministers and wives.
1615 Golden Book Ceremony. Speech by Governing Mayor [Richard von Weizsäcker].
Signed Golden Book and made speech. Speech by the Federal Chancellor [Helmut Kohl]
1700 Met selected guests at Ceremony
1720 Left Rathaus for HQ British Military Government
1740 Arrived HQ. Greeted by Commander. Berlin Infantry Brigade Chief of Staff. HQ British Sector
1745 Met members of British military community - refreshments
1820 Left for Ambassador's Residence
1905 Left for Schloss Charlottenberg
1930 Dinner given by Governing Mayor [Richard von Weizsäcker]. Loyal toasts and brief after dinner speeches. Coffee and exchange of gifts.
2115 Farewell to Senior Allied and German guests
2120 Left Schloss for Tegel Airport
2130 Arrived Tegel Airport. Farewells
2140 Took off for Heathrow
2330 Arrived Heathrow and drove to Chequers
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