Friday 9 July 1982
0915 George Gardiner MP and delegation of Sikhs
0945 Miss Porter and Mrs. Gaisman for Christmas cards
1000 Sir Robert Armstrong
1045 The Hon. Richard Nixon
1115 Meeting to discuss holiday plans [engagement card: “CW [Clive Whitmore] & CS [Caroline Stephens] to discuss holiday plans”] [THCR 1/20/3/43 f14]
1145 Diary meeting
1245 Mr. Morgan to present 1000th volume of Hansard
1300 Lunch in flat
1430-1515 Sir Laurens van der Post
1515 [engagement card: [15 minutes alone] +CW [Clive Whitmore] + BI [Bernard Ingham] [THCR 1/20/3/43 f15] [the card includes the following 1515
appointment also, so some conflict evident]
1515 Bahraini and Tunisian Foreign Ministers
1600-1615 Mr. Sutty and Jack Weatherill MP to present Centrepiece
1715 Gordon Reece
1800 Hair
2130 David Wolfson
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