Monday 5 July 1982
0830 Hair
1000-1015 Mr. Opel (President of Parent Company of IBM/UK) and Mr. Nixon, Managing Director, and Mr. Baker
1015 OD(SA) [Willie Whitelaw, Francis Pym, John Nott, Cecil Parkinson, Sir Robert Armstrong, R.L. Wade-Gery, R.L.L. Facer]
1145 Leader of the Opposition [Michael Foot] and Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw] - H/C
1215 Chief Whip [Michael Jopling], Chairman [Cecil Parkinson] and Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw]
1300 Lunch with colleagues
1500 Lord Barber
1600 Kept free for Italian Bilateral briefing
1745 Alfred Sherman
1800 [engagement card: “First meeting for Ashby Memorial Lecture”] [THCR 1/20/3/43 f12]
2000 Mr. Speaker [George Thomas] 's dinner for Lord Denning +DT
2200 Two Line Whip
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