Wednesday 15 July 1981
0915 Sir Derek Rayner and Clive Whitmore
0930 Mr. Nigel Vinson, Kenneth Carlisle, Philip Chappell, Peter Rees and Alan Howarth
1015 E [Willie Whitelaw, Lord Carrington, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Sir Keith Joseph, Lord Soames, Jim Prior,
John Nott, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, John Biffen, David Howell, Leon Brittan]
1115-1145 Lord Rhodes
1200 Talks
1300 Lunch for Sri Lankan Prime Minister [Ranasinghe Premadasa]
1500 Kept free for speech
1550 To H/C
1555 Lord Boyd Carpenter collected Prime Minister from H/C Room
1600 Addressed Independent Unionist Peers - Committee Rooms 3a, 4b, H/L
1730 Meeting of Ministers on CS Pay Inquiry: Government Evidence - H/C
1830-2000 Cocktail Party for Members and wives +DT
2015 E [Willie Whitelaw, Lord Carrington, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Sir Keith Joseph, Lord Soames, Jim Prior,
John Nott, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, John Biffen, David Howell, Leon Brittan] - H/C
Dined H/C +IG [Ian Gow]
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