Monday 9 February 1981
0830 Hair
1000 Media
1015 Chief Whip [Michael Jopling]
1045 Chief Whip [Michael Jopling], Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw] and Chairman [Lord Thorneycroft]
1115-1215 First meeting for St. Lawrence Jewry speech (Mr. Utley and Sir Ronald Millar)
1215 Sir Robert Armstrong
1300 Lunch with the Financial Times - Bracken House, Cannon Street
1500-1530 Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [Lord Carrington]
1530 Sir Keith Joseph, Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir Geoffrey Howe], Mr. Ibbs, Sir Robert Armstrong and Mr. Pym
1630 Professor Walters
1730 John Selwyn Gummer for YC speech
1830 Meeting with Centre for Policy Studies Study Groups - St. Stephens Club
2000 Dinner: Sir Hugh Fraser and Conservative Philosophical [Philosophy] Group +DT - 47 Phillimore Gardens
[Rev. Edward Norman spoke - see MT to Norman, 12 Feb 1981, THCR 3/2/50 f66] [Sir Hugh Fraser,
Jonathan Aitken, William Waldegrave, Maurice Macmillan, Julian Amery, Enoch Powell, Nick Budgen,
Professor Peter Bauer, Derek Brewer, John Casey, John Gross, Maurice Cowling, Professor Elie Kedourie,
Professor William Letwin, Shirley Letwin, John Lucas, Ken Minogue, Professor Michael Oakeshott,
Anthony Quinton, Roger Scruton, Professor Hugh Thomas, Lord Hugh Dacre Trevor-Roper, John Wood,
Professor Wade, Rev Edward Norman, Peregrine Worsthorne, Peter Utley, Frank Johnson, Ferdy Mount]
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