Monday 20 October 1980
0830 Hair
1000 Media
1045 Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw] (Chief Whip [Michael Jopling] and Chairman [Lord Thorneycroft] away) [Material from handwritten original of the 1980
appointment diary: Handwritten original has Chairman in Japan and Chief Whip in Cheshire.]
1130 S/S Trade [John Nott] plus two officials and Sir Robert Armstrong (briefing for new export committee)
1200 Interview with Women’s Realm: Mr. Fid Backhouse and photographer
1300 Lunch for industrialists +DT [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [via DW (Sir Douglas Wass)].]
1430 S/S for Energy [David Howell] and Sir Donald Maitland
1545 Chief Secretary [John Biffen], Minister for Housing [John Stanley] and Sir Horace Cutler re GLC Housing Programme and Capital Fund [Material from
handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: No papers required.]
1615 Chief Secretary [John Biffen], Sir A. Rawlinson and Sir R. Armstrong re public expenditure
1710 Sir Maurice Hodgson, Chairman ICI
1800 [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: Brigadier Cowen of Government Hospitality Fund - POSTPONED.]
1800 [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: Sir A. Rawlinson & Sir Robert Armstrong.]
1845-2000 Sir Douglas Wass
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