Wednesday 10 September 1980
0845 Maureen Baker and Lady Tilney
0930 E [Willie Whitelaw, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, Jim Prior, Sir Keith Joseph, David Howell, Lord Carrington, Lord Soames, John
Nott, John Biffen]
1200 -
1245 King Hussein
Lunch in flat
1430 Mr. Alexander for Bordeaux speech
1530 116 handicapped children to tea [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [DT away].]
1900 for 1945
Dinner: “Now!” to commemorate 1st anniversary +BI [Bernard Ingham], DT - Savoy [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: Black
Tie. Lancaster Room, Savoy.]
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