Tuesday 9 September 1980
0830 Hair
0900 Keep free for Burlington House Antiques Speech
1115 Depart No. 10 +DW [David Wolfson], MAP [Mike Pattison], Mr. Anson
1130 Arrive Burlington House to open Burlington House Antiques Fair
1245 Depart
1300 Lunch with Jock Bruce-Gardyne, Sir R. Millar and JH [John Hoskyns] [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: to discuss Party
Conference Speech [Sally D. has numbers].]
1430 S/S Trade [John Nott]
1600 Depart No. 10 with CP [Colin Peterson]
1615 Arrive Directors Entrance for Visit to British Museum +CP [Colin Peterson]
1800 Depart for No. 10 to change [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: and collect DT.]
1915 Look in at Lords’ Taverners Reception: met by Harry Secombe +DT, MAP [Mike Pattison] - Martini Terrace, New Zealand House
2000 for 2030
Dinner with Mr and Mrs Keith Showering - 48 Hyde Park Gate [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: +DT. Black Tie [Dinner &
parking for George & Tec].]
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