Wednesday 23 July 1980
0815 Hair
0845 Joan Price
0930 E [Willie Whitelaw, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, Jim Prior, Sir Keith Joseph, David Howell, Lord Carrington, Lord Soames, John Nott,
John Biffen]
1200 Meeting of Ministers on compensation for aircraft and shipbuilding nationalisation [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [S/
Industry (Sir Keith Joseph), S/ Environment (Michael Heseltine), Chief Sec (John Biffen), Min/ Industry].]
1300 Interview with Julian Haviland - ITN
1315 Lunch with ITN + Mr. Ingham - Executive Dining Room, Wells Street [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Parking & lunch for
Driver & Detective].]
1500-1600 Meeting of Ministers on efficiency of Central Government [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Chancellor (Sir Geoffrey
Howe), Lord President (Lord Soames), Sir Derek (Rayner), Sir Douglas (Wass), Sir Ian (Bancroft) & Sir Robert (Armstrong)].]
1630 Mr. Jack Peel [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [TL (Tim Lankester)].]
1700 Secretary of State for the Environment [Michael Heseltine] and Minister for Local Government [Tom King] on Rate Reform
1730 Meeting of Ministers - AGRs - Select Committee [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Home Sec (Willie Whitelaw), Lord
President (Lord Soames), C/ Duchy (Norman St John-Stevas), S/ Energy (David Howell), C/ Whip (Michael Jopling), RTA (Sir Robert Armstrong), Mr Ibbs.]
1830-2000 Cocktail Party for Members and wives [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: +DT.]
Dined at the House with Ian Gow
[Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: PM paired before 2030 & after 2200.]
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