Monday 21 July 1980
0830 Hair
1000 Media
1015 Chief Whip [Michael Jopling]
1045 Chairman [Lord Thorneycroft], Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw] and Chief Whip [Michael Jopling]
1145 Photographic session with People Weekly [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [DT will have photo if he is here].]
1200 Kept free for Mr. Ingham [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: [Alan Watkins].]
1315 Lunch for Small Businessmen
1500 Left for House of Commons
1515 Meeting with the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Callaghan [European Commissionerships - see THCR 3/2/39]
1550 Returned to No. 10
1630 Leader of the House [Norman St John-Stevas]
1700 Mr. Scott-Hopkins and Lord Privy Seal [Sir Ian Gilmour]
1730 Lord Boyle
1820 Mrs. Michael Heseltine [Anne Heseltine]
1830 Cocktail Party for members and wives
2015 Dined at the House with Ian Gow
2115 Looked in at Nuclear Advisory Panel Dinner - Admiralty House
2200 Three Line Whip: Vote
2330 [Material from handwritten original of the 1980 appointment diary: VOTE.]
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