Monday 10 December 1979
0800 Hair
0930 Left No. 10
1000 Greeted President Tolbert of Liberia at Kensington Helipad
1030 Mr. Vance and Foreign Secretary [Lord Carrington]
1115 Chairman [Lord Thorneycroft], Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw] and Chief Whip [Michael Jopling]
1200 Talks with President Tolbert
1300 Lunch for President Tolbert
1500 Paymaster General [Angus Maude]
1530 Lord Chancellor [Lord Hailsham]
1600 E Committee [Willie Whitelaw, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, Jim Prior, Sir Keith
Joseph, David Howell, Lord Carrington, Lord Soames, John Nott, John Biffen]
1800 Foreign Secretary [Lord Carrington], Attorney General [Sir Michael Havers], Governor and Deputy [Governor]
of the Bank of England [Gordon Richardson and Sir George Blunden], Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir
Geoffrey Howe]
1930 Dinner with American Correspondents at the Clarendon Room of Brown’s Hotel
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