Wednesday 14 November 1979
0930 David Howell
0945-1045 Secretary of State for Energy [David Howell] and Sir Kenneth Berrill
1050 Mr. Mitsotakis: Greek Minister of Co-ordination and the Secretary of State for Trade [John Nott]
1115 Talks with the President of Indonesia [Soeharto]
1315 Lunch for the President of Indonesia
1445 Lord Carrington
1530 Statement on Immigration by Mr. Whitelaw - H/C
1600 Mr. Molyneaux - H/C
1645 Maitama Sule - No. 10.
1700 Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw] and the Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir Geoffrey Howe]
1830 Audience
1930-2000 Looked in at Peter Emery’s Party for Howard Davies - 15 Tufton Court, Tufton Street
2045 Mr. Paisley - H/C
2130 Home Secretary [Willie Whitelaw], Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir Geoffrey Howe] and the Chief Secretary
[John Biffen] - No. 10.
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