Thursday 4 October 1979
0830 Hair
0900 Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir Geoffrey Howe]
0930 Cabinet [Willie Whitelaw, Lord Hailsham, Lord Carrington, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Sir Keith Joseph, Francis Pym,
Lord Soames, Jim Prior, Sir Ian Gilmour, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, George Younger, Nicholas
Edwards, Humphrey Atkins, Patrick Jenkin, Norman St John-Stevas, John Nott, David Howell, Mark Carlisle,
John Biffen, Angus Maude, Norman Fowler, Michael Jopling, Sir John Hunt]
1230 Buffet lunch for Cabinet Ministers
1400 Left No. 10 for Northolt
1445 Took off
1730 Landed at Fiumicino Airport. Met by HE the Honourable Signor Francesco Cossiga, Signor Malfatti, HE Sir
Ronald Arculus
Drove to Villa Wolkonsky
1815 Arrived Villa Wolkonsky
1845 Left Villa with HM Ambassador [Sir Ronald Arculus] for Palazzo Chigi
1900-2000 Private meeting with Signor Cossiga, plus Mr. Adams as interpreter
2045 Returned to Villa Wolkonsky
2115 Left for Villa Madama
2145 Arrived for dinner given by Signor Cossiga.
After dinner, scenic drive to places of interest in Rome
2415 Returned to Villa Wolkonsky
Meeting with British officials
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