Thursday 13 September 1979
0845 Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir Geoffrey Howe] - No. 10
0915 Media Briefing - No. 10
1000 Cabinet [Willie Whitelaw, Lord Hailsham, Lord Carrington, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Sir Keith Joseph, Francis Pym,
Lord Soames, Jim Prior, Sir Ian Gilmour, Peter Walker, Michael Heseltine, George Younger, Nicholas
Edwards, Humphrey Atkins, Patrick Jenkin, Norman St John-Stevas, John Nott, David Howell, Mark Carlisle,
John Biffen, Angus Maude, Norman Fowler, Michael Jopling, Sir John Hunt] - No. 10
1300 Lunch in Study - No. 10
1430 Chief Whip [Michael Jopling] to discuss Honours - No. 10
1500 Christopher Tugendhat - No. 10
1550 Tea at Lancaster House (Conference on Rhodesia)
1615 Christopher Tugendhat (continued)
1730 Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [Lord Carrington] plus four others - No. 10
1930 Mr. George Walden (FCO) - No. 10
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