Wednesday 12 September 1979
0915 William Randolph Hearst and Henry James
0930 Sir Keith Joseph
1000 David English: Editor, Daily Mail
1100 Mr. Neville Gaffin
1130 Talks
1315 Lunch for Belgian Prime Minister [Wilfried Martens] - No. 10.
1445 Secretary of State for Northern Ireland [Humphrey Atkins] - No. 10.
1600 King Birendra of Nepal - No. 10.
1715 OD [Willie Whitelaw, Lord Carrington, Sir Geoffrey Howe, Lord Soames, Lord Hailsham, Francis Pym, John
Nott, Sir Ian Gilmour]
1815 Foreign Secretary [Lord Carrington]
1845 Chancellor of the Exchequer [Sir Geoffrey Howe], Secretaries of State for Industry [Sir Keith Joseph],
Employment [Jim Prior] and Trade [John Nott], and Lord President [Lord Soames]
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