
Archive (Thatcher MSS)
Personal and party papers, Cambridge

US: MT letter to President Carter (Mountbatten) [“brutal and senseless murder”] [released 2010]

Document type: Declassified documents
Source: Thatcher MSS (Churchill Archive Centre): THCR3/1/2 (Personal Message T98/79T)
Editorial comments: When released in December 2009 many in the British press noted the absence of condemnation in the President’s original letter to MT (28 Aug), though it is unclear perhaps whether this was a deliberate slight. The same day, 28 Aug, the State Department issued a statement condemning political violence, and it is notable that many other leaders wrote to MT in similar terms.
Importance ranking: Key
Word count: 1p
Themes: Monarchy, Foreign policy (USA), Northern Ireland, MT messages to and from world leaders