
Archive (Reagan Library)

Cold War: Thatcher message to Reagan (Technical Cooperation Programme Anniversary) [unclassified]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: 10 Downing Street
Source: Reagan Library: NSA Head of State File (Box 35)
Editorial comments: Copy on PREM19/1404
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 195 words
Themes: Defence (general), Foreign policy (USA), MT contacts with Ronald Reagan

Not classified

Message from the Prime Minister to President Reagan on the occasion of the Technical Cooperation Programme Anniversary Dinner – 13 October 1983

Twenty-six years ago our predecessors, President Eisenhower and Mr Macmillan, signed a Declaration of Common Purpose which recognized that only by combining resources and sharing tasks could the mutual defence of the nations of the free world be assured. This led to the establishment of The Technical Cooperation Programme which is now celebrating its Silver Jubilee in Washington. Canada was a founder member with us and Australia and New Zealand joined subsequently.

In the course of twenty-five years many benefits have flowed from participation in the Programme. Not least among these are the trust and friendship which have been fostered between the Defence Research communities in the member countries, so important in peace and so vital in times of crisis.

We are fully committed to the Declaration of Common Purpose. We shall stand together and face the coming years with confidence.