
Archive (Reagan Library)

Cold War: Thatcher letter to Reagan (thanks for Washington hospitality) [unclassified]

Document type: Declassified documents
Venue: 10 Downing Street
Source: Reagan Library: NSA Head of State File (Box 35)
Editorial comments:
Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 220 words
Themes: Foreign policy (USA), MT contacts with Ronald Reagan
10 Downing Street
The Prime Minister

5 March 1981

Dear Mr. President,

It will have been obvious to you at the time how much I was enjoying my visit to Washington and how greatly I appreciated the friendliness of the welcome offered by you and by Mrs. Reagan. I am deeply grateful for everything which you personally, your colleagues and your staff did to make the visit the success I believe it to have been.

Among the memories which I shall treasure are the dinner which you gave me at the White House, in every sense a memorable occasion, and the generous message which you sent to me at the Donovan Award Dinner. Thank you also for your gifts: the photographs are beautiful and the splendid eagle by Steuben is on my desk as I write.

Our talks together were, for me, of particular and lasting significance. I hope that it will not be too long before we have another opportunity to review the problems our two countries face.

Please convey my warm thanks and very best wishes to Mrs. Reagan. [Remainder of letter in MT’s own hand:] We shall never have a happier visit.

All good wishes
Yours sincerely
Margaret Thatcher

The President of the United States of America