Congratulations. Conf. notable event. Selection—worst over.
Cons.—Knitting together. Local—Refs.—Gen.—European. Principles don't change. Freedom under law. Free Enterprise. Here & in Europe—criticise bureaucracy & abuse of power. Here & overseas—lowering barriers to expand trade. Friends in Europe who think like us.
Europe—Democracy—Genuine—30–35 120 —Influence through doing things together. —Practical [? consequences]—Trading agreements. p2
political aspect [? Russia] New [? tactics] Turkey Yugoslavia. [end p1]
Enlargement—Spain. Portugal. Greece.
Exclusive?—No.—N.A.T.O. —Defence Procurement.
Don't become bewitched with little things. —Directives—>Geoffrey. Article 100—Harmonisation. —not for the sake of it.
Don't duplicate in Brussels what can be adequately done by national govts. Only where Common interests Common policy
Campaign itself—Don't defend the indefensible. C.A.P. [? Prices]—Monetary—Surplus Distortions R.J. Fisheries. Budget → Props. p3
But Scope as well as problems. Opportunity for young. But no substitute for proper policies in Britain. 2nd.–7th. Co-operation—Socialism —Only work with the support of people we seek to serve.
Need for Conviction—Not consensus. Can make changes happen around us—not wait for things to happen.