Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech to Chevening Conservatives

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Chevening, Kent
Source: Sevenoaks News, 4 May 1950
Editorial comments:

Editor’s summary of article, including all of MT’s reported speech. Full text available on CD-ROM only. Evening?

Importance ranking: Major
Word count: 414
Themes: Conservative Party (organization), General Elections, Foreign policy - theory and process, Defence (general), Economic policy - theory and process
Editor's summary of original article

‘Keep Noses to Grindstone—and Be Prepared’

Young Tory Candidate Tells Chevening Branch Members

“However strong you are on either side these days, no constituency should be considered as a ‘safe’ seat. …   . “In all constituencies there is a tremendous number of the opposition to fight.”

MT spoke at the annual meeting of Chevening branch of the Sevenoaks Conservative and Unionist Association on Friday 28 April.

“Our finances were thought to be far worse than we knew. Do not be misled by small things, such as a few eggs off the ration. We are still not paying our way, and until we do we shall never be a prosperous country,” MT said.

Our defence was very weak. Conservatives put foreign policy top. That alone made the case for a new Conservative Government.

MT asserted her strong patriotism. People seemed these days to be “pro anything,” rather than pro-British. “I believe love of one's country is a virtue so long as the country stands, as this country stands, for freedom and democracy,” MT said.

MT thought children might be taught more loyalty to their country.

She ended by urging her audience to work hard and be prepared for the next election. She expressed her admiration for the Member for Sevenoaks, Mr. John Rodgers, whom she knew personally.