Selections from MT's files as Prime Minister, 1986-88
A strange mix of files makes up the bulk of the present release - coal mines, drugs, the Inner London Edcuation Authority, HIV/AIDS, the law of rape, child protection, UK relations with Germany, official gifts (including a whole file on moon dust), the Channel Tunnel, financial crisis at the UN …
1983-85: Meetings With Chancellor Kohl

1765: German file - chief interest is long discussion with Kohl on 8 Nov 1983 in Bonn when they shared dark thoughts about Europe's relationship with the US. Kohl's fear of terrorism as INF deployed. MT's sense of let down, of not being told the truth. Fear than something similar would happen in the Lebanon.
1783 Tottenham & Handsworth riots - MT disturbed at rumours of petrol bombs & even Napalm being prepared for use against the police, reaching her from an adviser in her Policy Unit. Proved impossible to substantiate. Decision by MT not to visit Broadwater Farm estate but consideration given.
'Innocent victims' of AIDS - Addison mnt 26 Spt 1985. Low-key start. Fowler clued up. Willetts wanting her to open it Elstree op though. Risky sex ad, MT worries, 24 Feb 1986. Whitelaw clear. Fowler too. MT agrees w minor amdts 11 March 1986. Cmp a flop, but Rubicon crossed? Idiotic Hailsham objns politely ignored. 21 Aug 1986 - Fowler mnt, AIDS pamphlet. MT wary, divided views. But by late October, start of 1986/87 session, deep alarm. New ministerial group. MT seen as personally blocking leaflet. Ingham. Willetts. Suddenly dramatic change of pace. Lancet article. Leaflet nodded through. Now balance of control vs preventing panic. No more quibbles about wording. She vetoes a ministerial bc - but John Hurt probably a lot more effective than Willie Whitelaw shaking his jowls at us.
Coal - MT concern at poss further strike, watching v closely, early Dec 1985, as early as next winter. Contd worry abt NCB not suppporting working miners. Coal endurance etc 5 Dec rpt. Edwards showing vol redundancies working in S Wales - area moving tw profitability as biggest loss making pits closed. Walker tht NUM in such disarray it was no possible threat. Coal stocks Dec 1985 not as high as before strike but well above level in Dec 1984 (24m vs 32m). Goal was 22mt by March 1986. 19 Dec 1985 Walker letter - 24 pits closed since strike all by local agt, 3 more agreed, 5 more in colliery review. Total redn shd be 10.757mt, at least as great as fastest rate envisaged in summer 1983 when two strategies were considered. Does not say whether either was adopted - in fact implies they were overtaken by events. 19 Dec mtg - "The PM throughout emphasised the need to prepare for the worst case". Graphically shown by coal endurance docs piling up, though not annotated, suggesting she was sending Energy the message that she was watching. Wybrew 30 Jan - make max use end of RMPS to reduce excess capacity, make coal ind pay. "Pending more radical restructuring of the UK coal ind". Coal was a profitable coal ind, not NO ind. By Feb 1986 though dramatic fall in oil and coal prices apparent, not offset by decline in sterling. MT interestingly sees this as an opp to stockpile enough coal for 2-3 winters at a bargain price, burning cheap oil to do it. [f199] Policy Unit not believing low prices a long-term feature. Oil and gas prodn issues. Coal a good bet, no OPEC poss. NCB price falling. 24 Mar - MacGregor book, contingency work for something nasty. No.10 wants annotated list of MT contacts w him, though indirect contacts thro Dept Energy "wd be selective". By 30 May 1986 Walker mntg Lawson on further NCB job losses in li oil price fall. Walker blocking Treasury ambitions to restructure coal ind - conc on closing unecon pits, raise productivity, chg atts. Walker winning ov Coal Ind Bill 1986.
Whole files on Westland
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PREM19/1415 | Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) Part 1 | [1985 Apr 30 - Dec 10] |
PREM19/1416 | Aerospace (Westland Helicopters) Part 2 | [1985 Dec 10 - Dec 27] |