IRN Journalist
After a couple of days of fairly bland campaigning around the countryside, Mrs. Thatcher's tour finally became a full-blown tub-thumping electioneering crusade. The conversion from a camera club outing came on the roads of Norfolk. Her battle bus pulled up at the village of Castle Acre and Mrs. Thatcher was out meeting the people. Then on to the back of a horse box to attack the Labour Party and in a sideswipe at the Alliance warn that the election was just a two horse race.
… do urge you to take no notice whatsoever of some of the trivial things about leaked documents and this, that and the other. What we are fighting about is the future of this country for the next five years and the party we are fighting, the Labour Party, because that is the only alternative government has put before the electors the most extreme policies ever placed before the British people at an election. [applause] They must be totally and utterly rejected.
IRN Journalist
There were a hundred or so party faithful to see Mrs. Thatcher, plus a couple of dozen anti-nuclear demonstrators. Their shouts were drowned out by the cheers as Mrs. Thatcher pointed that in the Soviet Union they wouldn't be allowed to protest.
And even the people who protest about our defence policy would not have the right to protest in a free country unless someone … . [applause] It is we who are the freedom party and we defend the right of anyone to say what they wish during the general election and to say it honestly and sincerely.