
1991 Jan 1 - 1991 Jan 9
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Middle East (Situation in the Middle East: Iraqi invasion of Kuwait) (Part 36)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2018 Jul 24
Classification: Top Secret - Cab One
Page count: 304
Any docs withheld? 14

Selections from this file

Showing items 1 - 20 of 91

Per page:
Date Value Titlesort descending
91 Jan 4 Fr Major Gulf War: Attorney General Office letter to MOD (Rules of Engagement) [Attorney General content with revised ROE] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 7 Mo Major Gulf War: Attorney General Office letter to MOD (Stolen Laptop) [possible reward for return or immunity for theft] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 7 Mo Major Gulf War: Attorney General Office letter to Powell ("US Request for an Aircraft Carrier for the Red Sea") [difficulties concerning the implementation of e embargo in the Red Sea] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 3 Th Minor Gulf War: Attorney-General letter to Secretary of State for Defence ("Gulf Crisis: Media Handling") [content with King's position] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 3 Th Major Gulf War: Cabinet Office minute for No.10 (Suez Precedents) ["the essential point from these that at each stage of the escalation of hostilities, there was a Statement to the House and/or a Debate"] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 9 We Major Gulf War: Cabinet Office telegram to Powell ("Iraqi Withdrawal from Kuwait: Immediate Reactions") ["things might not develop in a clear-cut way. Saddam Hussein might reject the timetable or the pattern of withdrawal we proposed. Or he might make some attempt to negotiate on these"] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 9 We Major Gulf War: Cabinet Office telegram to Powell (Baker's statement) ["the US and the rest of the international community wanted a peaceful solution. This is still a confrontation Iraq can avoid"] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 3 Th Major Gulf War: Cabinet Secretary briefing for PM ("OPD(G): 3 January") [Prime Minister's visit to Camp David; current international situation; British Embassy, Baghdad] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 8 Tu Major Gulf War: Cabinet Secretary briefing for Prime Minister ("Cabinet, 10 January: Possible Military Action in the Gulf") [international situation; comments from Ministers on the possible conflict; possible debate in the Parliament; formal authority to the PM to commit British troops after 15 January] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 8 Tu Major Gulf War: Cabinet Secretary briefing for Prime Minister ("OPD(G): 10 January") [PM's visit to the Gulf; international situation; second round of UK/US talks; response tu partial and full Iraqi withdrawal;media handling; debate in Parliament; IEA stockdraw; cabinet 10 January; pattern of meetings in the event of hostilities] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 9 We Major Gulf War: Cabinet Secretary briefing for Prime Minister ("OPD(G): 10 January") [PM's visit to the Gulf; international situation; UK/US talks; consular advice and contingency plans for evacuation; Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait: immediate reactions; Rules of Engagement; media arrangements; IEA stockdraw; meeting arrangements in case of hostilities] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 3 Th Major Gulf War: Cabinet Secretary note for Powell (PM's visit to the Gulf) [Chief of Defence Staff's intention to go to the Gulf with the PM; better if Powell puts the proposal forward] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 8 Tu Major Gulf War: Chief Whip's Office record of conversation ("Gulf: Media Arrangements") [Government backbenchers; letter to all MPs setting out Government case in event of Commons debate Jan 15; reply to Cardinal Hume's letter; case against further time for sanctions; photos of the atrocities in Kuwait to be used to bring home Saddam's inhumanity; refusal of Saudi authorities to issue sufficient visas for British journalists] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 7 Mo Major Gulf War: Chief Whip's Office record of conversation (Energy Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Defence Secretary & others) ("Gulf: Media Arrangements") [timing, role of No.10 Press Secretary, backbenchers] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 3 Th Major Gulf War: Cradock minute for Powell ("Environmental Effects of a War in the Gulf") [short note by the Assessment Staff to summarise the main points of the issue] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 8 Tu Major Gulf War: Cradock minute for Powell ("Iraqi Options: Threat of a Pre-emptive Attack") [assumptions on possible targets and strategies] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 3 Th Major Gulf War: Cradock note for Powell ("Kuwait Oil") [information requested by the PM about Kuwaiti oil as a proportion of world production] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 8 Tu Major Gulf War: Department for Transport minute for FCO ("The Gulf: War Risk Insurance for Airlines") ["we must expect that airlines will withdraw services from areas where they foresee conflit, whether or not we offer re-insurance"] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 4 Fr Minor Gulf War: Department for transport minute for Prime Minister ("The Gulf: War Risk Insurance for Airlines") [Major assents to proposal] [declassified Jul 2018]
91 Jan 9 We Major Gulf War: Department of Energy letter to Powell ("The Gulf: Oil Supplies") [draft reply to President Bush's message concerning the meeting of the IAE Governing Board; ] [declassified Jul 2018]