
1983 Oct 7 - 1986 Jan 31
Prime Ministerial Private Office files

Energy (Oil prices: prospects for world oil market; proposed Petroleum Bill; North Sea oil prices; heavy fuel oil prices; oil prices in the longer term) (Part 2)

Document type: File list item
Source: TNA, PREM19 series
Release date: 2014 Dec 31
Classification: Secret and Personal
Page count: 336
Any docs withheld? 4

Selections from this file

Showing items 21 - 40 of 86

Per page:
Date Value Title
84 Dec 14 Fr Major Energy: Howe minute to Chancellor of the Exchequer ("BNOC Oil Prices") [Howe's views on Peter Walker's proposal to move to a flexible market-related pricing system] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 14 Fr Major Energy: No.10 minute to MT ("BNOC Prices") [MT agrees to No.10's proposals to mediate dispute between Lawson & Peter Walker over future of BNOC] [released Dec 2014]
84 Dec 20 Th Major Energy: Peter Walker PS letter to No.10 (developments in the oil market) [advance notice of message to MT from the President of Mexico] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 4 Fr Major Energy: No.10 minute to MT ("BNOC") [MT agrees to meeting with Lawson & Walker in order to resolve the way ahead for BNOC] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 7 Mo Major Energy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Prince Bandar Ibn Sultan) [sale of Tornado; MT visit to US; oil market developments; Peter Walker meeting with Sheikh Yamani] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 7 Mo Major Energy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Peter Walker) ["Visit of Prince Bandar": sale of Tornado/UK oil prices/oil market; BNOC losses; role/value of BNOC] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 7 Mo Major Energy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to MT ("BNOC") [market analysis & options for the way ahead for BNOC, including abolition] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 8 Tu Major Energy: No.10 minute to Peter Walker PS ("Saudi Arabia: Oil Prices") [MT draft message to King Fahd] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 9 We Major Energy: No.10 briefing for MT ("BNOC and Oil Prices") [Department of Energy briefing (lack of); options for BNOC] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 10 Th Major Energy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lawson, Peter Walker) ["BNOC and Oil Prices": agreement of Walker's lines to take for his forthcoming meeting with Sheikh Yamani] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 11 Fr Major Energy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Andrew Turnbull ("Petroleum Bill") ["Peter Walker contends that the Bill... [does] not raise significant policy issues.... We believe that he is wrong"] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 14 Mo Major Energy: UKE Jedda telegram 30 to FCO (0917Z) ("Oil: Saudi Policy") [prospects of a price war] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 15 Tu Major Energy: No.10 briefing for MT (BNOC) [pricing policy: attendees; key point; papers (lack of)] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 16 We Major Energy: No.10 record of conversation (MT, Lawson, Howe, Peter Walker) ["BNOC and Oil Prices": Walker meeting with Sheikh Yamani; BNOC pricing policy] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 17 Th Major Energy: No.10 Policy Unit minute to Andrew Turnbull ("North Sea Oil Prices") [Norwegian oil prices; outlook for UK spot prices] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 23 We Major Energy: UKE Jedda telegram 54 to FCO (1821Z) ("Saudi Oil Price") ['Arab News' report of alleged agreement to reduce dollars benchmark price] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 23 We Major Energy: UKHC Lagos telegram 53 to FCO (1413Z) ("Saudi Oil Prices") ["misleading" Reuters report] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 23 We Major Energy: UKE Riyadh telegram 10 to FCO (0931Z) ("Meeting of OPEC Price Differentials Committee") [Ministry of Petroleum's account of meeting & further speculation] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 24 Th Major Energy: UKE Algiers telegram 15 to FCO (0916Z) ("OPEC Pricing") [Algerian Energy Minister's thoughts on reported OPEC price cut and on OPEC itself] [released Dec 2014]
85 Jan 28 Mo Major Energy: No.10 Policy Unit briefing for MT ("BNOC's Oil Pricing Policy") [analysis & advice] [released Dec 2014]