

Still and video images


Video and audio items are now being added to the site, including material from the House of Commons and Presidential Libraries.

The Thatcher Archive contains a huge collection of photographs, but most of them are subject to third party copyright and cannot be freely reproduced on line. (In many cases copyright holders cannot even be identified with certainty, because the identity of the photographer went unrecorded. Precise dates are also an area of darkness.)

Featured on the site is material from the White House Official Photographer, which falls within the US Government's general waiver of copyright, and items for which the Foundation has been able to negotiate terms. The latter include Helmut Newton's portrait of March 1991 on the home page.

VIDEO of last commons speeches as Prime Minister

You can now watch MT's final speeches as Prime Minister: her 30 Oct 1990 report on the Rome European Council ("No, no, no") which helped to precipitate Geoffrey Howe's resignation and her famous speech in the Confidence debate the day she announced her resignation as Prime Minister ( 22 Nov 1990).

You can also view her Eulogy for President Reagan (June 2004) or her first substantive reaction to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, given at a Press Conference with President Bush at Aspen (2 Aug 1990).

Harvey Thomas Collection

Some of MT's most memorable rallies and speeches were organised by Harvey Thomas. His collection of Thatcher video tapes is unrivalled, and he has generously allowed us to copy it and feature material on this site. The only surviving complete copies of her Party Conference speeches are in this collection, as well as her earliest Party Election Broadcasts making the case for a cap on mortgage rates in 1974.

Harvey Thomas tapes

White House Photographs

MT's own collection includes copies of most of the White House material relating to her meetings with successive Presidents. Gaps in her collection have been filled, in some cases, from the Carter and Reagan Library photographic collections.