In addition to the database categories below, there is also a brief biography and a chronology of key events.
- Archive
- Declassified historical documents from Margaret Thatcher's personal files and from public and private archives in Britain and the United States.
- Speeches, interviews, etc.
- Complete listing of every public statement by Margaret Thatcher 1945-90, and texts of most, plus a selection since.
- Multimedia
- Video and audio items from British and American sources.
- Chronology
- Comprehensive timeline of events in Margaret Thatcher's life & career.
- Commentary
- Journalism, academic articles, book extracts & pamphlets.
- Children
- Who was Margaret Thatcher and what did she do? [page for children]
How can I search?
All the documents on the site have been indexed by hand under subject headings, so searches by subject reliably find all (and only) relevant material.
All the documents on the site are graded by importance or rank (key, major, minor, trivial), so that you can focus on key documents or eliminate minor items.
You can search easily by date or period, or any word occurring in the text.
Guides to archive documents
This is mainly a site devoted to declassified secret documents. There are a lot of them.
Guides to some of the most important can be found on featured pages.