Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Speech to Fulham Conservatives

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Kings Hall, 2 Shorrolds Road, Fulham
Source: BBC Radio News Report 1300 15 April 1983
Editorial comments: MT attended a reception for Fulham party workers 1020-1050 and was expected to make a short speech. Under heavy pressure she had refused to say anything about General Election dates at her previous engagement - visiting a Youth Opportunity Scheme in Putney (ITN indexes).
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 155
Themes: General Elections

The Prime Minister has been talking this morning about the timing of the general election—but she's given little away. Speaking at the Conservative Party office at Fulham in South West London, Mrs. Thatcher pointed out that her Government had been in power for less than four years (the last general election was held on May the third 1979). She added “Until we've been in for four years I'm not going to think about a precise date for the election”. Our political correspondent says Mrs. Thatcher's advisors are busily trying to damp down speculation about an early poll. Those in the Party who want one in June argue that the Government will not get a better set of figures on inflation and unemployment between now and then. Those who are urging a delay say that by the Autumn the upward trend of the economy should be a good deal more obvious. The Prime Minister's comments this morning were made in the course of a tour of South West London.