Speeches, etc.

Margaret Thatcher

Remarks arriving in Port Stanley (Falklands)

Document type: Speeches, interviews, etc.
Venue: Port Stanley, Falkland Islands
Source: BBC Radio News Report 0700 9 January 1983
Journalist: Nicholas Witchell, BBC, reporting
Editorial comments: MT had driven from RAF Stanley into town en route to Government House.
Importance ranking: Minor
Word count: 243
Themes: Defence (Falklands)

Soon after her arrival yesterday afternoon, the Prime Minister was out in the centre of Stanley, greetings were spontaneous and emotional.

[Crowds Cheering, Clapping …   .]


…   . It's the first time we have ever been here and we're so thrilled to be here. Every name means so much to us. Thank you very much.

(Crowd actualité)


The Prime Minister spent yesterday evening at a reception in her honour at Government House here in Starley. She looked tired after her fourteen hour flight from Ascension Island in the RAF Hercules, notwithstanding that a large caravan had been wheeled into the plane's cargo chamber for her use. But the reception went on late into the evening and Mrs. Thatcher met many of the principal figures in the Falklands Community. Outside Government House, security was discreet, though that side of the visit is being taken very seriously. An extra detachment of troops has been moved into Stanley from another settlement, specifically to guard her residence and anti-aircraft missile batteries have also been moved to give the building more effective protection. Today her programme begins with demonstrations by the RAF. Later she will tour some of the army units in the Stanley area. She's also due to attend a service in the town's small Cathedral which will be an opportunity for local people, some of whom still can't quite believe that she is here to see her again.