1. Safety of the Nation
To preserve peace, we must be strong. National Safety comes first. Defence therefore has top priority.
2. Unity of the West
Friendship and unity with English speaking peoples provides the firmest foundation for joint action in the event of danger.
3. Commonwealth and Empire
Progress and cohesion of the Empire and Commonwealth is vital for our present and future well-being. We must stand together and help each other with all our strength both in Defence and Trade.
4. Cost of Living
Careful spending of public money is needed to restore the value of the Pound. All effort must be concentrated on achieving greater production.
5. Housing
Housing has priority second only to national defence. The Conservative Target remains 300,000 a year. Freedom must be given to the builder to build more houses.
6. Food
Practical knowledge and business experience will be used to comb the world for greater supplies. Food subsidies will not be radically changed under present circumstances.
7. Workers' Charter
The Conservative Workers' Charter for industry will be brought into being as soon as possible.
8. Nationalisation
The Iron and Steel Act will be repealed. Private Road Hauliers will be given a chance to return to business.
9. Town and Country Planning Act
The whole system of Town Planning and development charges needs drastic overhaul.
10. Leadership and Conservative Faith
The Conservative Party stands not for any section of the people but for all. Strong leadership and firm guidance from the government will help to overcome the difficulties into which our country has been plunged.