The Korean situation and the possibility of a General Election were subjects discussed by Miss Margaret Roberts. M.A., B.Sc., prospective Conservative candidate, when she spoke at a meeting of St. Alban's Ward branch of Dartford Division Conservative Association on Monday.
After outlining the events leading up to the conflict in Korea, Miss Roberts said that in the occupation the Russians had made sure that in North Korea they left behind an army equipped with Communist ideology and the inclination to fight. The Americans withdrew from the South after making some attempt to make them rule by democratic methods.
North Korea was left ready and equipped with an army to march into South Korea. It would take some time for those taken unawates in the South to put up sufficient resistance, even with American help.
“The situation in Korea at the moment is very, very serious indeed,” added Miss Roberts. “There is the threat that we might be thrown off the Korean peninsula before we have sufficient troops and materials to withstand the blow.”
Miss Roberts said they had been aware of the Communist menace, but if they were aware of it they should have been equipped to fight it. It might break out in other places. To put in troops there we might take them away from places where the Communists were as organised as they were in North Korea.
Mr. Churchill had rightly asked that our defences all over the world should be reviewed. At the moment it was speed in which we were lacking. They were hoping the Government would make use of the necessary experience and resource of Mr. Churchill.
Election Prospects
The Korean situation, she went on, had put Party problems out of their minds. Nevertheless, they might still have to face a General Election. The housing situation was as serious as before the last election, and labour problems had been accentuated by the wage “freeze.” They might have to fight a General Election this year.
She thought the progress of St. Alban's Ward branch (formed in April) had been first-class, and she was certain in the next election it would be one of the best wards in the Division. The branch owed a great deal to its officers.
Urging vigorous canvassing, Miss Roberts said the most important people to deal with were the “doubtfuls.” and if they knew who they were, they would have far more chance of winning their vote.
Miss Roberts was thanked by the chairman (Mr. George Pottle).
The reports of the hon. secretary (Miss Pamela Denne) and the hon. treasurer (Miss Dorothy Saunders) were adopted.
When the meeting agreed to vote £15 to the centre fund of the local association, Miss Roberts remarked, “I think for a new ward it is absolutely thrilling.”
Plans for canvassing were discussed and left in the hands of the vice-chairman (Mr. Jack Saunders) and a committee, and a programme of social events and theatre outings was arranged.